Έρμα Βασιλείου | ποιήματα

In Λογοτεχνία, Ποίηση by mandragoras


It is a hollow day

You fall in the reverie

I fall in the deep ocean of tasting the sun

While it grows in the middle of my palm

Yesterday… it was so perfectly less interesting

A less of waves day

Wave-less days are boring and defeated

I can find two or three ladies

With my eyes…searching

From the hollow trunk of the olive tree where I think I am hiding

They are wearing the perfume of destiny

They are gifted with pearls of regrets

And when nobody is watching

They whistle to the sea

To rise,

Come on, now ladies

Do you think that the sea is a chart of the centuries?

The islands are purely testing the patience of the depths

And can no longer bear your high heels knock –knocks

Searching for admiration in the past miracles of creations

Seas have risen millions of times, only with a wink of the moon




Scattered pieces

…Remaining attached to nothing

Nothing but immobility

When all the waters come as christening waters

Above the hands of the philanthropists

A candle in the church is a light of forever

a few handfuls of sand

is a place to sleep your never





I can’t stop kissing those lips

They are standing unmoved

Like the doors of a garden in a desert

The human flesh is a treasure of caresses



A cat passes from the scene

Holding its paws inside its cushions

Its eyes are seeking for a place to hide its needs

Secretive thoughts are hanging from its fur

And dresses

And suddenly it jumps and bleeds my hands

That are holding  all my living promises

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